We are happy about your registration with the alumni network of TU Kaiserslautern. Please fill out the following form. (Fields marked with * are mandatory.) Your registration will then be approved by an administrator. For some fields you can manage the visibility for other registered users by checking "visible for others" or unchecking the box. Fields where this information is not displayed for selection are visible for others if they are filled in. In your profile, you can check "Private profile" under Settings if needed, then only first name and last name will be visible to others in the list of members.

Personal data

  Visible for others

Please note that you will receive an e-mail at your e-mail address that includes an activation link to confirm your registration. Please choose an e-mail address where we can reach you in the long term. Info: The e-mail address assigned by TUK (name@rhrk.uni-kl.de) is only valid for a short time after the end of your studies and is therefore not suitable for registration.


The new password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least a small letter, a capital letter, a number and a special character such as !$%&._-

Private address
  Visible for others

Studies at TUK*

You can add further degrees or fields of study using the + at the end of the line. If you have worked at TUK, you can select the corresponding department or administration under Department and the corresponding position under Degree.


bevorzugter Studiengang


After registering, you will automatically be accepted into the group of your department. This also entails a subscription to the group newsletter – if the respective group offers one. If you do not wish to receive it, you can unsubscribe via the navigation of the group page under 'Edit group profile'. In addition, you can join the following groups by checking the box:

Privacy statement

Terms of use

  max. 12 characters, only characters, numbers and underscore

Subsrcibe to our newsletter


Ich abonniere den TUKAN-Newsletter. Ich willige ein, dass meine E-Mail-Adresse zu diesem Zweck verwendet werden darf. (Der TUKAN-Newsletter erscheint 2- bis 4-mal im Jahr.) I subscribe to the TUKAN-Newsletter. I agree that my e-mail address may be used for this purpose. The newsletter is published 2 to 4 times a year.